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Contrelle Activgard 30 Pack

Single use bladder support for active women


Contrelle Activgard 30 Pack


What is Contrelle® Activgard?
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). It does not absorb leaks like traditional pads, liners or tampons, instead it helps stop leaks before they happen.

Support and control
Safe, effective and easy to use, Contrelle Activgard sits comfortably inside your vagina, and gently supports the bladder neck and urethra. It restores the bladder neck back to its natural position helping to prevent bladder leaks when you laugh, cough, sneeze or exercise.

What is included?
This pack contains 5 x Activgards and a reusable applicator. Instructions for Use: how to prepare your Contrelle Activgard, how to insert and remove your Contrelle Activgard bladder support.

Use the sizing kit before purchasing your first order



Product details
Contrelle® Activgard is a medical device for treating women who are experiencing stress urinary incontinence (SUI). SUI is the complaint of involuntary leakage of urine on effort or exertion, or on sneezing or coughing, lifting or exercising. 1 in 3 women suffer with SUI. This can affect women of all ages, and may occur at any time, but often starts in pregnancy, after childbirth or during the menopause.

It is made of a super soft biocompatible foam, and is disposable (single use) discreet and comfortable to use. Contrelle Activgard is easily vaginally inserted to restore the bladder to its natural position and to stops bladder leaks actually happening – straight away, rather than absorbing urine like traditional pads and liners. Find the right fit and results can be immediate on insertion. Contrelle Activgard is available in 3 sizes – the sizing kit contains one of each size to help a woman find the right fit for her.

How to use
Contrelle Activgard is easy-to-use. It comes with an applicator and is inserted into the vagina to gently lift and give support to the urethra. Please read the full Instructions for Use leaflet inside your Sizing Kit Pack before use.

Application diagram

Suitable for
Suitable for women over 18 years suffering from SUI where SUI or exercise related incontinence. Do not use until 12 weeks after childbirth

Additional information


Size 1, Size 2, Size 3

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